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Lebanon FFA News        

Welcome back FFA members!!  We hope you had a fantastic summer and are excited about the upcoming school year!  As always, we are planning to have many FFA activities throughout the year.  Be sure to pay your Ag class fee ($15) and get involved early!  We will have a monthly newsletter with important information.  You could also go to our social media pages for the latest news.  If you don’t have social media, be sure to check the advisor’s boards.   

DSC_0342 - Copy.JPGDSC_0032.JPG Chapter Meetings:

Once a month, we hold a Chapter Meeting. We discuss upcoming events, competitions, and any other news that you, as an FFA Member, need to know.

We will have themed meetings every month and fun activities.

Wilson County Fair- AgVenture Barn:


      Every year Lebanon FFA takes part in facilitating and organizing the AgVenture Barn at our very own County Fair! You as members are welcome to volunteer and work shifts to earn points and to inform the public about agricultural practices and animals!! We hope to see you working hard this year at the barn too!!



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