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Historian Aniston Stewart 2017-2018

Hey yall! I am Aniston Stewart and I am currently serving as the 2017-2018 Lebanon FFA chapter historian. I am 15 years old and I am in 10th grade. I am currently the youngest member on the team. My SAE is showing goats, I have 6 goats at my farm. I have competed in two CDE's which are, opening and closing ceremonies and dairy judging. My favorite CDE would have to be opening and closing ceremonies, I loved playing games and taping the gavel a little too hard at practice after school, we ended up coming in second at the district contest. Without FFA I would not be where I am now. It has been a huge part of my life and I have no idea where I would be without FFA, it is definitely one of my biggest pride and joys in life. If you ever have questions, concerns, etc. feel free to contact me, another officer, or one of the advisors. I will always be here too talk too if you ever need anything and I am looking forward to an amazing year!



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